babet's fear of the future

Youth music initiative

Finding themselves deep in the heart of Storm Babet, the Aberdeenshire Youth Music Initiative workshop participants harnessed the sounds of the storm and used them as inspiration for a recording that was shaped in real time by the rapidly changing sounds of the natural world.

With original music, sung and spoken words and tones created with everything from snapped tree branches to straining metal structures, they created a vivid work that sheds light on Babet from an unexpected perspective.

We know the experience of being surrounded by a storm, but what is it like being the storm itself - being misunderstood, feared, vulnerable, frightened by your own strength, facing your own swiftly approaching end?




Also broadcast on WGXC-90.7 FM in the Hudson Valley, New York and available to listen again in their archive:

The SONIC VALLEY audio project for YMI was devised and mentored by director Neil Cargill (words, lyrics and concept) and composer Tyler Lewis (audio recording and mixing supervision). 

The project was funded by The Scottish Government through Creative Scotland and delivered by Live Life Aberdeenshire.

The musicians and vocal contributors were all from Aberdeenshire and aged between 15 and 18.

This was their first experience of creating an audio narrative - and a unique opportunity to document a memorable storm in an imaginative way.

Neil Cargill 

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Painting: Barbara Balmer

Akiha Den Den artwork: Nick Taylor 

New York / Art Omi photographs and audio: Neil Cargill

Akiha Den Den and Art Omi Residency supported by Creative Scotland

Time and space for writing aided by The Tom McGrath Trust Award